Heterogeneity in OMNs

Heterogeneity in real-life networks is perhaps inevitable. In this chapter, we look at different aspects of heterogeneity in conventional networks such as, MANETs, as well as, in OMNs. We begin by looking at the fundamental causes of heterogeneity in communication networks, which includes diversity in software, hardware, and architecture. We look at the different forms of heterogeneity that arises in the link and network layers of the protocol stack. We also look at different techniques to mitigate such issues. Subsequently, we focus on specific aspects of heterogeneity that are observed in DTNs/OMNs. We look at time-varying graphs, and representation of heterogeneous OMNs with such graphs. Followed by this, we study the aspects of heterogeneous routing protocols in OMNs, and their mitigation. Finally, we summarize the adverse effects that heterogeneity has upon the performance of OMNs.