Adaptive Power Control for A-CDMA Systems Over K-Distributed Fading Channels

AbstractEnergy adaptation for Asynchronous CDMA (A-CDMA) systems over Rayleigh and Rician fading distributions with and without diversity combining techniques has been discussed in literature. In this work, adaptive power control for A-CDMA systems over channels undergoing K-distribution is discussed in detail. K-distribution is a valid model to represent the envelope statistics of the backscattered echo, and is used to simulate the effects of a dense urban environment with the average received power level fluctuating slowly due to shadowing effects. Performance measures, such as probability density and cumulative distribution functions of (a) probability of error and (b) signal energy-to-noise ratio and, system parameters, such as fading margin, mean transmitter energy gain, and percentage points are computed for K-distribution channels as a function of probability of error specification and the probability of unsatisfactory operation.

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