Rapid MR imaging by sensitivity profile indexing and deconvolution reconstruction (SPID).

A new parallel MR imaging technique, which uses localized information from the elements of a multi-coil array to accelerate imaging, is described. The technique offers an alternative reconstruction approach to currently available techniques (e.g., SMASH and SENSE). Following a partial k-space data acquisition, image reconstruction in this approach proceeds in two steps: first, fitting the measured coil sensitivities to a set of partially localized target functions, a blurred intermediate image of the studied object is produced. Blurring is obtained in a systematic manner, forming images of the studied object convolved with a known convolution kernel. Full spatial resolution is then recovered by deconvolution of the blurred images with the known kernel function. The technique offers flexibility in the arrangement of the acquired signal data k-lines, and a mechanism for controlling reconstruction quality through the convolution the deconvolution procedure. The technique was validated in phantom and in vivo imaging experiments demonstrating high time reduction factors.