s ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................III Andrzej BorAwskI Modification of a fourth generation LPG installation improving the power supply to a spark ignition engine Modyfikacja instalacji LPG IV generacji poprawiająca jakość procesu zasilania silnika o zapłonie iskrowym ........................................................................ 1 Shirley Jin Lin CHUA, Azlan Shah ALI, Anuar Bin ALIAS Implementation of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) decision making framework for building maintenance procurement selection: Case study of Malaysian public universities Zastosowanie platformy programistycznej wspomagającej podejmowanie decyzji, opartej na procesie hierarchii analitycznej (AHP) w postępowaniu przetargowym na utrzymanie budynków. Przypadek malezyjskich uczelni publicznych ............................................................................... 7 Józef FLIzIkowSkI, Tomasz TopoLIńSkI, Marek opIeLAk, Andrzej ToMporowSkI, Adam MrozIńSkI Research and analysis of operating characteristics of energetic biomass micronizer Badania i analiza eksploatacyjnych charakterystyk mikronizatora energetycznej biomasy .................................................................................................. 19 Li CHAngyoU, wang weI, zhang yIMIn, guo Song, Li zHenyUAn, Qiao CHAngSHUAI Indexing accuracy reliability sensitivity analysis of power tool turret Analiza wrażliwości wskaźnika niezawodności w zakresie dokładności indeksowania głowicy narzędziowej z napędzanymi narzędziami ................. 27 zdzisław CHłopek, Jacek BIedrzyCkI, Jakub LASoCkI, piotr wóJCIk Assessment of the impact of dynamic states of an internal combustion engine on its operational properties Ocena wpływu stanów dynamicznych silnika spalinowego na jego właściwości użytkowe .................................................................................................... 35 Maciej MIkULSkI, Sławomir wIerzBICkI, Andrzej pIęTAk Zero-dimensional 2-phase combustion model in a dual-fuel compression ignition engine fed with gaseous fuel and a divided diesel fuel charge Zero-wymiarowy 2-fazowy model spalania w dwupaliwowym silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym zasilanym paliwem gazowym i dzieloną dawką oleju napędowego ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Mirosław CzeCHLowSkI, wojciech goLIMowSkI, Tadeusz Sęk, Jacek SzyMAnowICz Exhaust opacity in a diesel engine powered with animal fats Zadymienie spalin silnika z zapłonem samoczynnym zasilanego tłuszczami zwierzęcymi ..................................................................................................... 49 rafał grądzkI, paweł LIndSTedT Method of assessment of technical object aptitude in environment of exploitation and service conditions Metoda oceny stanu zdatności obiektu technicznego w otoczeniu warunków użytkowania i jakości obsługi ..................................................................... 54 Adam gLowACz, witold gLowACz, zygfryd gLowACz Recognition of armature current of DC generator depending on rotor speed using FFT, MSAF-1 and LDA Rozpoznawanie sygnałów prądu twornika generatora prądu stałego w zależności od prędkości obrotowej wirnika z zastosowaniem FFT, MSAF-1 i LDA ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64 Xiaohui CHen, Lei XIAo, Xinghui zHAng, weixiao XIAo, Junxing LI An integrated model of production scheduling and maintenance planning under imperfect preventive maintenance Model zintegrowany harmonogramowania produkcji i planowania obsługi technicznej w ramach niepełnej konserwacji zapobiegawczej ................................................70 Małgorzata LoTko, Aleksander LoTko Cluster analysis of knowledge workers assessment of occupational threats and attitudes to character of work Zastosowanie analizy skupień do oceny zagrożeń zawodowych pracowników wiedzy i ich postaw wobec charakteru pracy .......................................... 80 karolina Beer-LeCH, Barbara SUrowSkA Research on resistance to corrosive wear of dental CoCrMo alloy containing post-production scrap Badanie odporności na zużycie korozyjne stomatologicznego stopu CoCrMo zawierającego złom poprodukcyjny ............................................................ 90 Andrzej AMBrozIk, Tomasz AMBrozIk, piotr łAgowSkI Fuel impact on emissions of harmful components of the exhaust gas from the CI engine during cold start-up Wpływ paliwa na emisję szkodliwych składników spalin silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym podczas zimnego rozruchu .................................................... 95 dezhen yAng, yi ren, zili wAng, Linlin LIU, Bo SUn A novel logic-based approach for failure modes mitigation control and quantitative system reliability analyses
Thomas L. Saaty,et al.
Sai On Cheung,et al.
An analytical hierarchy process based procurement selection method
Ossi Pesämaa,et al.
Validating a Model of Cooperative Procurement in the Construction Industry
Mehrdad Mohammadi,et al.
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Selection Model with Application to Chemical Engineering Management Decisions
Thomas L. Saaty.
How to Make a Decision: The Analytic Hierarchy Process
Olanrewaju Abdul Lateef,et al.
Building maintenance management in Malaysia
Y. C. Kog,et al.
Critical Success Factors for Different Project Objectives
Lee Yong Tay,et al.
Factors Influencing The Selection Of Procurement Systems By Clients
Steve Rowlinson,et al.
Construction project procurement routes: an in‐depth critique
J. Masterman.
An Introduction to Building Procurement Systems
T. Saaty.
Highlights and critical points in the theory and application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Ulla Espling,et al.
Part II. Partnering in a railway infrastructure maintenance contract: a case study
Thomas L. Saaty,et al.
How to Make a Decision: The Analytic Hierarchy Process
Sarel Lavy,et al.
Facilities maintenance management practices in large public schools, Texas
Albert H. C. Tsang,et al.
Sourcing strategies of facilities management
Derek H.T. Walker,et al.
Competitive tendering and contracting public sector services in Australia – a facilities management issue
Thomas L. Saaty,et al.
Decision Making for Leaders: The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decisions in a Complex World
A. K. Munns,et al.
Building maintenance strategy: a new management approach
Paul Wordsworth.
Lee's Building Maintenance Management
Peter E.D. Love,et al.
Selecting a suitable procurement method for a building project
Peter E.D. Love,et al.
A model for supporting inter-organizational relations in the supply chain
Mohd Faris Khamidi,et al.
Building Maintenance Management in a Malaysian University Campus: A Case Study
Ying Fan.
C. William Ibbs,et al.
Alternative methods for choosing an appropriate project delivery system (PDS)
Derek Osbourn,et al.
Introduction to Building
Syahrul Nizam Kamaruzzaman,et al.
Assessment of building maintenance management in Malaysia: Resolving using a solution diagram
Guido Capaldo,et al.
Supporting decision-making process in facilities management services procurement: A methodological approach
Ad Straub,et al.
Performance‐based maintenance partnering: a promising concept
P. Barrett.
Facilities Management: Towards Best Practice
Azlan Shah Ali,et al.
Analytic Hierarchy Process Decision-Making Framework for Procurement Strategy Selection in Building Maintenance Work
Olanrewaju Abdul Lateef.
Case for alternative approach to building maintenance management of public universities
S. Thomas Ng,et al.
A case-based procurement advisory system for construction
Mohan M. Kumaraswamy,et al.
Developing a decision support system for building project procurement
Swee Eng Chen,et al.
Decision Criteria and Their Subjectivity in Construction Procurement Selection
K. Lau,et al.
Outsourcing logistics: drivers and obstacles of outsourcing practices in China
Walter B. Kleeman.
Out‐tasking: More Widespread than Outsourcing in the USA