HFRR lubricity response of an additized aviation kerosene for use in CI engines

Abstract To reduce their fuel related logistic burden, NATO Armed Forces are advancing the use of a single fuel for both aircraft and ground equipment. To this end, F-34 is replacing distillate diesel fuel in many applications. However, tests conducted with kerosene on High Frequency Reciprocating Rig, showed that it causes unacceptable wear due to the poor lubricity of aviation fuel. In order to make this type of fuel compatible with direct injection compression engines, tests were carried out with ten mono–carboxylic acid esters to improve the lubricity of kerosene. Tribological results showed that all esters tested, were suitable for increasing the kerosene lubricity to a satisfactory level. Among the esters of the same molecular type, those having the ester group around the middle of the molecule appear to have better lubrication performance.