On the Modelling of Noise Generation in Corrugated Pipes

The offshore oil and gas industry uses pipes which are made flexible by means of a corrugated construction. Those pipes that run from a platform to the seabed are known as risers while those that connect two pipes on the seabed are known as jumpers. Gas flowing within the pipe interacts with the corrugations and generates noise. This noise is of concern because it is of sufficient amplitude to cause pipework vibration with the threat of fatigue and pipe breakages. This paper examines the conditions that give rise to the large noise levels. The conditions for the onset of noise are investigated using an eigenvalue approach which involves the effect of damping due to losses from the pipe boundaries and pipe friction. The investigation which is conducted in terms of reflection conditions shows why only few of the very many possible natural frequencies are selected. The conditions for maximum noise response are also investigated using a non-linear model of vortex shedding. Here an approach is developed in which the net power generated along a single wavelength is calculated.Copyright © 2009 by ASME