Multiaxial fatigue studies on carbon steel piping material of Indian PHWRs

The tests studies and analyses have been carried out in the area of “Multiaxial Fatigue” with an objective to improve the damage assessment methodologies and design rules. Nearly 50 numbers of fatigue tests were conducted on solid and tubular specimens of SA333Gr.6 material under pure axial, pure shear and combined axial-torsion in-phase/ out-of-phase loading combinations. A software has been developed for the evaluation of multiaxial fatigue damage for the analyses of tests data using different invariant fatigue models such as ASME Sec.III code procedures, von-Mises etc. The fatigue crack initiation life was predicted using the best fit axial fatigue life curve (without use of safety factors). These tests and their analyses have helped in understanding the fatigue failure behavior of piping material under complex cyclic loadings where the principal directions rotate during a loading cycle. The crack initiation angles have also been measured by analyzing the image of the tested specimens. The measured crack angles will help in validation of the critical plane based models.