Growth, differentiation and sexuality

Vegetative processes and growth 1 Fungal cell types K.J. Boyce and A. Andrianapoulous 2 Organelle inheritance in budding yeast and other fungi L.J. Garcia-Rodriguez, A.C. Gay, and L.A. Pon 3 Mitosis in filamentous fungi S. Harris 4 Apical wall biogenesis J.H. Sietsma and J.G.H. Wessels 5 The fungal cell wall J.P. Latge and R. Calderone 6 Septation and cytokinesis in fungi J. Wendland and A. Walther 7 Re-wiring the network: understanding the mechanism and function of anastomosis in filamentous ascomycete fungi N. L. Glass and A. Fleissner 8 Heterogenic incompatibility in fungi K. Esser 9 Programmed cell death in fungi B.C.-K. Lu 10 Senescence and longevity H.D. Osiewacz and A. Hamann Signals in growth and development 11Autoregulatory signals in mycelial fungi U. Ugalde 12 Pheromone action in the fungal groups Chytridiomycota, and Zygomycota, and in the Oomycota C. Schimek and J. Wostemeyer 13 Photomorphogenesis and gravitropism L. Corrochano and P. Galland Reproductive Processes 14 Asexual sporulation in mycelial fungi R. Fischer and U. Kues 15 Regulation of sexual development in filamentous ascomycetes (Mating types, pheromones) R. Debuchy and G. Turgeon 16 Fruiting body development in ascomycetes S. Poggeler, M. Nowrousian, and U. Kuck 17 Mating type genes of the basidiomycetes L.A. Casselton and M.P. Challen 18 Regulatory and structural networks, orchestrating mating, dimorphism, cell shape, and pathogenesis in Ustilago M. Feldbrugge, M. Bolker, G. Steinberg, J. Kamper, and R. Kahmann 19 The emergence of fruiting bodies in basidiomyctes H.A.B. Wosten and J.G.H. Wessels 20 Meiosis in mycelial fungi D. Zickler Biosystematic Index Subject Index