Structural Design of Light‐Gauge Silo Hoppers

Elevated light‐gauge silos usually have a conical discharge hopper at the bottom. Although this hopper often carries much of the total weight of the stored solids within the silo, it can often be cold‐formed from thin steel sheet because the structural form is very efficient. However, guidance on the design of light‐gauge hopper structures is rare. The term light‐gauge is used here to describe the class of cold‐formed silo structure that is not restricted by a nominal minimum plate thickness requirement (e.g., 1/4 in. or 6 mm). This paper addresses several aspects of the design of light‐gauge hoppers. Current proposals concerning hopper loads are discussed first, and recommendations are made. Appropriate structural analysis is then presented. The potential failure modes of the hopper are identified, and corresponding strength checks described.