Whole Leaf Carbon Exchange Characteristics of Phosphate Deficient Soybeans (Glycine max L.).

Low phosphate nutrition results in increased chlorophyll fluorescence, reduced photosynthetic rate, accumulation of starch and sucrose in leaves, and low crop yields. This study investigated physiological responses of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaves to low inorganic phosphate (Pi) conditions. Responses of photosynthesis to light and CO(2) were examined for leaves of soybean grown at high (0.50 millimolar) or low (0.05 millimolar) Pi. Leaves of low Pi plants exhibited paraheliotropic orientation on bright sunny days rather than the normal diaheliotropic orientation exhibited by leaves of high Pi soybeans. Leaves of plants grown at high Pi had significantly higher light saturation points (1000 versus 630 micromole photons [400-700 nanometers] per square meter per second) and higher apparent quantum efficiency (0.062 versus 0.044 mole CO(2) per mole photons) at ambient (34 pascals) CO(2) than did low Pi leaves, yet stomatal conductances were similar. High Pi leaves also had significantly higher carboxylation efficiency (2.90 versus 0.49 micromole CO(2) per square meter per second per pascal), a lower CO(2) compensation point (6.9 versus 11.9 pascals), and a higher photosynthetic rate at 34 pascals CO(2) (19.5 versus 6.7 micromoles CO(2) per square meter per second) than did low Pi leaves. Soluble protein (0.94 versus 0.73 milligram per square centimeter), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase content (0.33 versus 0.25 milligram per square centimeter), and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase specific activity (25.0 versus 16.7 micromoles per square meter per second) were significantly greater in leaves of plants in the high Pi treatment. The data indicate that Pi stress alters the plant's CO(2) reduction characteristics, which may in turn affect the plant's capacity to accommodate normal radiation loads.

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