Selling British Columbia: Tourism and Consumer Culture, 1890-1970

Illustrations Acknowledgments Acronyms Introduction: Tourism and Consumer Culture 1. Boosterism and Early Tourism Promotion in British Columbia, 1890-1930 2. From the Investment to the Expenditure Imperative: Regional Cooperation and the Lessons of Modern Advertising, 1916-35 3. Entitlement, Idealism, and the Establishment of the British Columbia Government Travel Bureau, 1935-39 4. The Second World War and the Consolidation of the British Columbia Tourist Industry, 1939-50 5. Differentiation, Cultural Selection, and the Post-war Travel "Boom" 6. Tourism as a Public Good: The Provincial Government Manages the Post-war "Boom," 1950-65 Conclusion: From Tourist Trade to Tourist Industry Appendix: Key tourism promotion organizations in British Columbia, 1901-72 Notes Bibliography Index