sma-1 encodes a betaH-spectrin homolog required for Caenorhabditis elegans morphogenesis.

Morphogenesis transforms the C. elegans embryo from a ball of cells into a vermiform larva. During this transformation, the embryo increases fourfold in length; present data indicates this elongation results from contraction of the epidermal actin cytoskeleton. In sma-1 mutants, the extent of embryonic elongation is decreased and the resulting sma-1 larvae, although viable, are shorter than normal. We find that sma-1 mutants elongate for the same length of time as wild-type embryos, but at a decreased rate. The sma-1 mutants we have isolated vary in phenotypic severity, with the most severe alleles showing the greatest decrease in elongation rate. The sma-1 gene encodes a homolog of betaH-spectrin, a novel beta-spectrin isoform first identified in Drosophila. sma-1 RNA is expressed in epithelial tissues in the C. elegans embryo: in the embryonic epidermis at the start of morphogenesis and subsequently in the developing pharynx, intestine and excretory cell. In Drosophila, betaH-spectrin associates with the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells; beta-spectrin is found at the lateral membrane. We propose that SMA-1 is a component of an apical membrane skeleton in the C. elegans embryonic epidermis that determines the rate of elongation during morphogenesis.

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