Properties and Management of Forest Soils

PROPERTIES AND DYNAMIC PROCESSES: Introduction Forest Soils and Vegetation Development Soils Associated with the Major Forest Ecosystems The Forest Floor Forest Soil Biology Chemical Properties of Forest Soils Physical Properties of Forest Soils Soil Water and the Hydrological Cycle Soil and Roots Mycorrhizae: Forms and Functions Nutrient Cycling in Forest Ecosystems Soil Properties and Site Productivity MANAGEMENT AND ITS CONSEQUENCES: Forest Land Inventory Soils and Silviculture Management of Nursery and Seed Orchard Soils Management of Problem Soils Tropical Forest Soils Diagnosis and Correction of Nutrient Deficiencies Fertilizer Materials and Application Systems Effects of Anthropogenic Chemicals on Forest Ecosystems Effects of Fire on Soils and Site Intensive Management and Long-Term Soil Productivity Appendixes.