Extraction of the Region Feasible for Safe Ambulation from Head-Mounted Wearable Camera Images Employing Genetic Algorithm on Homography Constraints

The objects have potentially dangerousness for pedestrians, such as illegally-parked bicy-cles, power poles, stopping vehicles, etc., could be found in a street. Those objects are threats to thesafety of elderly and disabled people with impaired vision, because it is difficult for them to find thoseobjects. In this paper, to enhance the elderly and disabled people's mobility, we propose the methodto estimate the region which is feasible for people's mobility in life space. In this method, the imagesare obtained from a head-mounted wearable camera, and the suited region for walking is estimatedusing 3-dimensional analysis and genetic algorithm. The performance and the validity are shown byapplying the proposed method to a number of scenes in life space.