Location management of mobile hosts by grouping routers

In mobile comput ing environments , the location of each mobile host should be managed by the networking sys tem to realize communica t ion among mobile hosts. Thus , traffic is caused not only by the communica t ion but also by the location management . In this paper , we propose a loca t ion management method for improving the mobile communica tion th roughpu t based on grouping of touters. Fi rs t , this method divides the routers in a fixed network into mul t ip le groups. Then , the routers in each group manage the location informat ion independent ly of other groups by choosing a locat ion managemen t s t ra tegy from several convent iona l strategies. We show the results of our s imulat ion experiments to compare the traffic vo lume of our m e t h o d and Mobile-IP. T h e results show tha t our method can great ly reduce the traffic volume compared with Mobile-IP. We also discuss the communica t ion overhead of our m e t h o d and show tha t our method can be pract ical ly used in the real environment . Moreover, we address some problems of our method and show possible extensions to solve them. K e y w o r d s : mobile comput ing environment , locat ion management, ne twork protocol, Mobile-IP, routing pro tocol

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