Enhancing Global Biogeochemical Cycles in the Community Earth System Model

Forrest M. Hoffman§, Pavel B. Bochevβ, Philip J. Cameron-Smith‡, Richard C. Easter, Jr.α, Scott M. Elliott∗, Iulian Grindeanu†, Oksana Gubaβ, Xiaohong Liuα, Robert B. Lowrie∗, Donald D. Lucas‡, Richard T. Mills§, William J. Sacks¶, Timothy J. Tautges†, Mark A. Taylorβ, Mariana Vertenstein¶, and Patrick H. Worley§ †Argonne National Laboratory, ‡Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, ∗Los Alamos National Laboratory, ¶National Center for Atmospheric Research, §Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories