Mapping applications for low-cost remote sensing and geographic information systems

Abstract Increasing attention is being given to the practicability of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). Easily adaptable low-cost systems in these two rapidly advancing technologies have particular relevance for developing nations. Data from advanced satellite sensor sytems such as the SPOT High Resolution Visible (HRV) and the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) have proven to be useful in topographic as well as thematic mapping, particularly for map revision. Based on the specific application, mapping systems have ranged from simple visual image interpretation lo automated digital image analysis systems with sophisticated classification schemes. Examples of topographic and thematic mapping using low-cost systems will be presented. GIS have extended the capability of low-cost digital systems that simply provided storage and map production capabilities, to systems providing spatial data analysis including the linkage of spatial data and spatially related attributes. Data capture is an esse...