가네의 수업사태(instructional event)별 비계설정(scaffolding) 교수전략에 따른 가정과 교수ㆍ학습 과정안 개발 및 평가

The purpose of this study was to develop home economics(HE) teachingㆍlearning process plans by Gagne’s instructional events using scaffolding of ‘nutrition and meal of adolescents’ unit according to the 2007 revised middle school HE curriculum. To achieve this purpose, the teachingㆍlearning process plans and worksheets using scaffolding according to Gagne’s instructional event were developed for 5 periods, implemented to the 71 middle school students in Busan city, and evaluated by 21 home economics(HE) teachers and 71 middle school students. The content of the teaching learning process plans were composed of the subjects, ‘impotance of nutrition and wellness’, ‘types of function of nutrients, ‘Korean dietary reference intakes and characteristics of adolescent nutrition’, ‘nutrition problems, eating habits, and diet of adolescents’, and ‘future health and jobs’. HE teachers evaluated that the content of the teachingㆍlearning process plans were suitable to the middle school students, teacher’s questions were accurate, and the teachingㆍlearning process plans were suitable, usable, and easy to implement in middle school HE class. The students who participated in the class were satisfied with the instruction by Gagne’s events using scaffolding. They perceived that the contents and process of the instruction were understandable and interesting.