Quantum-Dot Sources for Single Photons and Entangled Photon Pairs

Quantum dots show excellent promise as triggered sources of both single and polarization entangled photons for quantum information applications. Our recent progress developing nonclassical light sources with single quantum dots is presented in this paper. Following radiative emission of an exciton confined in a quantum dot, there is a finite delay before re-excitation can occur; this results in an anti-bunching of the photons emitted providing a source of single photons. Excitation of a quantum dot with two electrons and two holes leads to the emission of a pair of photons; we show here that, provided the spin splitting of the intermediate exciton state in the decay is erased, the photon pair is emitted in an entangled polarization state. The fidelity of this entangled state is shown to exceed 70%. Using quantum dots to generate quantum light allows contacts for electrical injection to be integrated into a compact and robust device. A cavity may also be integrated into the semiconductor structure to enhance the photon collection efficiency and control the recombination dynamics. We detail a process to form a submicrometer current aperture within an electrical device, allowing individual quantum dots to be addressed electrically in devices.

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