The role of the academic supervisor for undergraduate dissertations in science and science-related subjects

ABSTRACT The paper identifies the main functions of the supervisor of undergraduate dissertations under two broad headings, educational and psychological. The special problems faced by supervisors, especially staff members allocated supervisory responsibilities for the first time, are discussed together with the difficulties commonly experienced by students. The paper suggests ways in which the problems identified may be minimised and stress is placed on the desirability of supervisors acting within an agreed set of departmental aims, objectives and operational guidelines. For newly appointed supervisors a chronological checklist of ten key activities is included. The dissertation is considered from the traditional viewpoint of an exercise experienced only in the final year of an undergraduate course. The best thing we can do for students is to educate them for change, to help them to learn how to continue to learn. (Educating for Change, M.L.J. Abercrombie, 1966)