Despite considerable progress in development of power electronic-based control of electromechanical energy converters (EMEC), relatively small changes in the design of EMECs have been observed. A physically insightful understanding of the origins and spatial distribution of the electromagnetic force components can shed light on the process of design and control of EMEC, thereby creating new opportunities for reaching new horizons in their performance. This, in turn, translates into substantial changes in the way electric energy is generated and consumed. This paper presents a qualitative approach to the process of electromechanical energy conversion with an emphasis on the local force densities in various parts of an EMEC. Fundamental concepts in generation and distribution of the electromagnetic force components have been explored in the context of an elementary EMEC. The results of this paper represents a path towards a better understanding of conventional EMEC and their operational characteristics and how new technologies may be useful in the design of more effective EMECs
B. Fahimi,et al.
A field reconstruction method for optimal excitation of permanent magnet synchronous machines
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.
J. Coulomb,et al.
Finite element implementation of virtual work principle for magnetic or electric force and torque computation
Mehdi Moallem,et al.
Predicting the torque of a switched reluctance machine from its finite element field solution
W. Müller.
Comparison of different methods of force calculation
C. Marchand,et al.
On the influence of mesh deformation to the force calculation when accounting for the movement
Kazimierz Adamiak,et al.
Finite element force calculation: comparison of methods for electric machines