Enterprise information systems: issues, challenges and viewpoints

This paper is based on a panel presentation to the first International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (EIS). The panel intends to address important issues in EIS from the perspectives of research and industry. It has not only raised questions, concerns and topics related to the research, development and application of information technologies and systems, but also suggested approaches and solutions for the researchers and practitioners. This paper covers a wide range of topics, such as: the notion of enterprise information system; the scope, features, functions and components of EIS; strategic importance of an enterprise information system in industry in the twenty-first century; the role and contribution of the research scientists, engineers and practitioners; factors affecting successful deployment and development of EIS in both organisational and technological aspects; the state-of-the-art enabling technologies for EIS; and the future of EIS in research and industry. The paper consists of sections contributed by the panel members, each addressing several issues from a viewpoint.