The dual purpose touch sensor panel and the optical retarder

The present invention relates to a touch sensor panel and the dual-purpose optical retarder. When outdoors or user operating the touch sensor panel in a LCD device having a bright environment, the device may generate glare from reflected light. In order to reduce this glare, the user can view the device through a polarizing filter. The polarizing filter may be, for example, polarized sunglasses. However, doing so will reduce the visibility of the image displayed on the LCD. May be added to the LCD device with a touch sensor panel quarter-wave retardation film to mitigate these effects by generating polarized annular. However, the addition of a single quarter-wave retardation film increases the thickness and the manufacturing cost of the touch sensor panel. Various examples of the present disclosure for quarter-wave retardation properties of a base film having a polarized light generating annular touch sensor panel constructed. Because the base film having desired optical properties, and therefore may not require a separate quarter-wave retardation film.