The problem of personal trajectories of additional education of teachers

. Introduction. The possibilities of implementing additional education in the context of modern trends in the development of education in Russia and the world can be identified by the following prospects: 1) the formation and improvement of a multilevel/continuous education system; 2) improvement of educational distance technologies, including and especially information/online technologies, platforms, infrastructures that increase access to educational resources; 3) “peer education”, group or mutual education; 4) networking and the formation of a unified system of educational services institutions within the complex “school – college – university – enterprise”; 5) activation of cooperation with educational institutions and systems of Russia and abroad, harmonization of world and national education standards and their variations; 6) a combination of inclusive and special education; 7) a combination of spe cialized training and general cultural training of a person as a subject of culture; 8) development of the asynchronous education system, including global/additional and alternative education; 9) reorientation to teaching and upbringing as a process of formation and development of metacompetencies, that is, metaknowledge and metaskills that make it possible to successfully study and teach others; 10) the formation and development of additional education as a global one. Research methodology. The work contains a theoretical understanding of the problem of personal trajec tories of education of teachers in additional education. Our study is an attempt to implement a systematic approach to the study of problems in the practice of training modern teachers. Results of the study. We can define the concept of an individual educational trajectory in the context of the problems of high-quality training of a modern teacher in general and additional education as an individualized (individually- specific) way of a person’s search and implemen tation of his personal, interpersonal and professional potential in educational and professional activities, his creative and reproductive, pedagogical and other abilities, realized with the support and participation of a tutor, supervisor or other mentor, or completely independently (in the context of self-education). Conclusion. Even the created and implemented trajectory, being presented in the didactic and mentoring interaction of the teacher (subject teacher, class teacher/curator, other mentor- tutor) and the student, requires work on its verification, reflection, correction, etc. The activation of educational and professional activity of students can take different forms, however, in general, it is associated with the formation and implementation of an individual educational trajectory of personal, interpersonal and professional formation and development of a person. An educational trajectory that activates and creates con ditions for the all-round development of a person is formed and implemented under the condition of synchronizing the lines of personal, interpersonal and educational- professional improvement in general and additional education, harmonizing the space-time of education and the space-time of being of each person as a student. Such synchronicity and harmony is the result of the conscious, multilateral and constant efforts of all subjects of education at all stages of development and implementation of the educational trajectory of the future teacher, up to reflection and correction of the educational route and its different stages.

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