A Text-Book of Pharmacognosy

MR. TREASE can justly claim to be one of the foremost exponents of pharmacognosy in Britain. His work at Nottingham is well known, where he is head of the Department of Pharmacy and responsible for the teaching of pharmacognosy. He is also an examiner in this subject for the Pharmaceutical Society and for the University of London.A Text-Book of PharmacognosyBy George Edward Trease. Fourth edition revised with the assistance of Dr. H. E. Street and E. O'F. Walsh, with Contributions by Dr. R. Bienfang, H. M. Hirst, H. O. Meek and A. H. Ware. Pp. viii + 800. (London: Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1945.) 27s. 6d.