MoSen: Activity Modelling in Multiple-Occupancy Smart Homes

Smart home solutions increasingly rely on a variety of sensors for behavioral analytics and activity recognition to provide contextaware applications and personalized care. Optimizing the sensor network is one of the most important approaches to ensure the classification accuracy and system’s efficiency. However, the tradeoff between the cost and performance is often a challenge in real deployments, particularly for multiple-occupancy smart homes or care homes. In this paper, using real indoor activity and mobility traces, floor plans, and synthetic multi-occupancy behavior models, we evaluate several multi-occupancy household scenarios with 2-5 residents. We explore and quantify the trade-offs between the cost of sensor deployments and expected labeling accuracy in different scenarios. Our evaluation across different scenarios show that the performance of the desired context-aware task is affected by different localization resolutions, the number of residents, the number of sensors, and varying sensor deployments. To aid in accelerating the adoption of practical sensor-based activity recognition technology, we design MoSen, a framework to simulate the interaction dynamics between sensor-based environments and multiple residents. By evaluating the factors that affect the performance of the desired sensor network, we provide a sensor selection strategy and design metrics for sensor layout in real environments. Using our selection strategy in a 5-person scenario case study, we demonstrate that MoSen can significantly improve overall system performance without increasing the deployment costs.

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