Learning Backchanneling Behaviors for a Social Robot via Data Augmentation from Human-Human Conversations

: Backchanneling behaviors on a robot, such as nodding, can make talking to a robot feel more natural and engaging by giving a sense that the robot is actively listening. For backchanneling to be effective, it is important that the timing of such cues is appropriate given the humans’ conversational behaviors. Recent progress has shown that these behaviors can be learned from datasets of human-human conversations. However, recent data-driven methods tend to overfit to the human speakers that are seen in training data and fail to generalize well to previously unseen speakers. In this paper, we explore the use of data augmentation for effective nodding behavior in a robot. We show that, by augmenting the input speech and visual features, we can produce data-driven models that are more robust to unseen features without collecting additional data. We analyze the efficacy of data-driven backchanneling in a realistic human-robot conversational setting with a user study, showing that users perceived the data-driven model to be better at listening as compared to rule-based and random baselines.

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