Valoración del primer curso de implantación de un programa municipal integral de deporte escolar Evaluation of a Integral School-Sports Program first year development

This paper provides the results of the evaluation carried out at the end of the first year of implementation of an integrated municipal scholar- sports project, especially focusing on the satisfaction ratings provided by various stakeholders (students, parents, teachers and monitors). A questionnaire was designed «ad hoc» for each of the four people involved in the development of the program: students, families, teachers and monitors. It was applied in the last two weeks of the program. Data were analyzed with SPSS 15.0. The results show that, overall, the integrated program of scholar-sport has generated very high satisfaction rates in all participating groups. We analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the project on the following aspects: the Friday meetings, use of facilities, attitude and methodology used by the monitors, an approach that is given to exercise regularly (AFD) and information received about the project. Conclusion: The performance evaluation of the program shows a very high satisfaction rate in all the agents involved, although there are some weaknesses that should be improved in the following application.