Beam Instrumentation Challenges for the Fermilab PIP-II Accelerator*

Fermilab is undertaking the development of a new 800 MeV superconducting RF linac to replace its present normal conducting 400 MeV linac. The PIP-II linac warm front-end consists of an ion source, LEBT, RFQ and MEBT which includes an arbitrary pattern bunch chopper, to generate a 2.1 MeV, 2mA Hbeam. This is followed immediately by a series of superconducting RF cryomodules to produce a 800 MeV beam. Commissioning, operate and safety present challenges to the beam instrumentation. This paper describes some of the beam instrumentation choices and challenges for PIP-II. THE PIP-II ACCELERATOR The PIP-II project at Fermilab is building a superconducting Linac to fuel the next generation of intensity frontier experiments [1]. Capitalizing on advances in superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) technology, five families of superconducting cavities will accelerate H− ions to 800 MeV for injection into the Booster. Upgrades to the existing Booster, Main Injector, and Recycler rings will enable them to operate at a 20 Hz repetition rate and will provide a 1.2 MW proton beam for the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility. Table 1 list keep beam parameters for PIP-II. Table 1. PIP-II Beam Parameters Linac PIP-II Delivered Beam Energy (kinetic) 800 MeV Particles per Pulse 6.7 × 10 12 Average Beam Current in the Pulse 2 mA