J-PARC Timing System is defined two kinds of timing, the scheduled timing and the synchronization timing. The scheduled timing is defined by a delay determined in advance from the 25Hz trigger clock sent from the central timing control. Most devices and power supplies run with the scheduled timing. The scheduled timing system is configured one transmitter module in central control room and many receiver modules in device installed rooms (in total more than one hundred modules). Three signals which are the 12MHz master clock, the 25Hz trigger clock and the type, and Look-up Table (LUT) are distributed to the all receiver modules from transmitter module. An LUT is delay data block which is 256 * 8 array (The "256" is the number of "type", the "8" is the number of "trigger fanout (channel)" per one receiver module). Then, a great number of "delay data" have to be managed for accelerator operation. The paper presents about the database to manage the timing delay for Linac and RCS.