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J. Sharma,et al.
Molecular Characterization of Promising Willow Clones Using Rapd Markers
N. Singh,et al.
Heritability, genetic gain, correlation and principal component analysis in introduced willow (Salix species) clones.
A. Munshi,et al.
Genetic Diversity in Salix viminalis in the Kashmir Valley, India
M. A. Khan,et al.
Status and distribution of wicker willow in Kashmir.
R. Sharma,et al.
Suitability and Growth Pattern of Salix in Himalayan Foothills
J. Isebrands,et al.
The Development of improved willow clones for eastern North America
C. Newsholme.
Willows: The Genus Salix
G. Argus.
An experimental study of hybridization and pollination in Salix (willow)
H. S. Saralch,et al.
Phenological behaviour and reproductive biology of important fast growing Salix species.
J. Sharma,et al.
Estimation of genetic parameters of newly introduced tree willow clones in Himachal Pradesh, India
A. M. Kilemwa.
S. Bogdan,et al.
Growth of White Willow (Salix alba L.) clones in mixed plantation with Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) on the peat-clay type of soil in Podravina (Croatia)
G. Argus.
Infrageneric classification of Salix(Salicaceae) in the New World