Supraependymal cells and fibers in the third ventricle of the domestic chicken. A scanning electron microscopic study.
Supraependymal cells, fibers and what are presumed to be neuronal bulb-like projections were found in the third ventricle of the domestic chicken with a scanning electron microscope. At least two types of supraependymal cells were found: neuron-like cells and phagocyte-like cells. The former were predominantly seen in the area of the paraventricular organ and infundibular recess. The latter were abundant on the ventricular surface of the median eminence and subfornical organ. Bulb or club-like projections thought to be the dendritic terminals of CSF-contacting neurons were observed in the area of the paraventricular organ and infundibular recess. Similar structures were observed at the preoptic recess as well. The supraependymal neuronal components found in the domestic chicken differed from those of mammals in several respects: 1. the wall of the third ventricle was devoid of supraependymal fibrous plexus except for that of the paraventricular organ; 2. bulb-like projections were abundant in the area of the paraventricular organ; 3. supraependymal neuron-like cells were unipolar or bipolar in appearance. These data underline the dissimilarity of the CSF-contacting neuronal system of birds and mammals.