ABSTRACT - The knowledge about the quantity of dry matter and nutrients accumulated and exported by banana is important for the development of fertilizer recommendations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of dry matter and macronutrients by six cultivars of irrigated banana crop. Plants of Grande Naine, Pacovan, Pacovan-Apodi, Prata-Ana, Terrinha and Gross Michel cultivars were sampled in a commercial plantation in the municipality of Limoeiro do Norte, state of Ceara, Brazil. At harvest, four plants of each cultivar were selected for sampling. The “mother-plant” was divided into rhizome, pseudo stem, petiole, leaf blade, stalk and fruits. In the dry matter of these parts, the contents of macronutrients were determined. The cultivars Pacovan, Prata Ana and Pacovan-Apodi, in general, extracted from the soil the largest amounts of macronutrients and these cultivars accumulated higher quantities of dry matter. The potassium and nitrogen were the most accumulated and exported macronutrients by the six cultivars of ir-rigated banana followed by sulphur, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
V. VíctorHugoAlvarez,et al.
Desenvolvimento de um sistema para recomendação de adubação para a cultura da bananeira
D. Turner,et al.
The uptake and distribution of mineral nutrients in the banana in response to supply of K, Mg and Mn
Fertilizer research.
José E. Rodríguez,et al.
Nutrient Uptake by Intensively Managed Plantains as Related to Stage of Growth at Two Locations
Robert Mallessard,et al.
Comparaison des immobilisations minérales de quatre cultivars de bananiers à fruits pour cuisson et de deux "Cavendish"
J. Lacoeuilhe,et al.
Les éléments minéraux dans le bananier "Gros Michel" au Cameroun