This paper focuses on the development of a wearable sensor system to identify the different types of
badminton grip that is used by a player during training. Badminton movements and strokes are fast and dynamic, where
most of the involved movement are difficult to identify with the naked eye. Also, the usage of high processing optometric
motion capture system is expensive and causes computational burden. Therefore, this paper suggests the development of
a sensorized glove using flex sensor to measure a badminton player’s finger flexion angle. The proposed Hand
Monitoring Module (HMM) is connected to a personal computer through Bluetooth to enable wireless data transmission.
The usability and feasibility of the HMM to identify different grip types were examined through a series of experiments,
where the system exhibited 70% detection ability for the five different grip type. The outcome plays a major role in
training players to use the proper grips for a badminton stroke to achieve a more powerful and accurate stroke execution.
Wan Nurshazwani Wan Zakaria,et al.
Quantitative Analysis of Hand Movement in Badminton
Rui Jiang,et al.
Analysis on Smashing Motion in Badminton
Lucia Rita Quitadamo,et al.
Resistive flex sensors: a survey
Ivan Virgala,et al.
Friction Effect Analysis of a DC Motor
Thomas Jaitner,et al.
A mobile measure device for the analysis of highly dynamic movement techniques
Tarik Ozmen,et al.
Effect of core strength training on dynamic balance and agility in adolescent badminton players.
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies.