Eurescom TMN Framework

This paper is the first of a sequel of papers aiming at presenting the activities in Europe striving to the establishment of trans-national telecommunication infrastructures and services. These activities are coordinated by EURESCOM, the European Institute for Research1 and Strategic Studies in Telecommunication formed in the Spring of 1991 by European Public Te I eco m m u n icat i o n Ne two rk Ope rat o rs. All participating PNOs (26 as of to date, covering all Western Europe) have agreed on pursuing a common approach to Networks and Service Management based on TMN, Telecommunication Management Network. ITU-TSS and ETSl International standards are used as starting point; however they need a common interpretation of the principles and agreements on their uniform application is required. Additionally some areas are not covered by these International Standards (e.g. the Organisational and Operational Issues) and these gaps have to be filled in. This paper explains the activities within the EURESCOM leading to the definition of such a framework, the structure of the projects and the concepts taken from the international Standardisation Bodies and the choices made. 0-7803-181 1-0/94$04.0001994IEEE 691