Abstract The present study aims at obtaining fundamental data on tritium migration in porous materials, which include soaking effect, interaction between tritium and cement paste coated with paints and transient tritium sorption in porous cement. The amounts of tritium penetrated into or released from cement paste with epoxy and urethane paint coatings were measured. The tritium penetration amounts were increased with the HTO exposure time. Time to achieve a saturated value of tritium sorption was more than 60 days for cement paste coated with epoxy paint and with urethane paint, while that for cement paste without any paint coating took 2 days to achieve it. The effect of tritium permeation reduction by the epoxy paint was higher than that of the urethane. Although their paint coatings were effective for reduction of tritium penetration through the cement paste which was exposed to HTO for a short period, it was found that the amount of tritium trapped in the paints became large for a long period. Tritium penetration rates were estimated by an analysis of one-dimensional diffusion in the axial direction of a thickness of a sample. Obtained data were helpful for evaluation of tritium contamination and decontamination.
Satoshi Fukada,et al.
Effect of hydrophobic paints coating for tritium reduction in concrete materials
T. Yamanishi,et al.
Performance of various hydrophobic coatings to reduce HTO contamination
Michio Yamawaki,et al.
Sorption and Desorption of Tritiated Water on Paints
H. Amano,et al.
Tritium inventory in portland cement exposed to trttiated water vapor
H. Amano,et al.
Diffusion of tritiated water in cement materials
Takumi Hayashi,et al.
Transfer of tritium in concrete coated with hydrophobic paints