Thermal comfort prediction under non-uniform heating conditions with physiological responses comfort model

This research aims to use a highly accurate thermal comfort prediction method that links non-uniform environments to the body’s thermal sensation by numerical simulation. In order to predict the thermal sensati on of an occupant in non-uniform environments with floor heating and air conditionin g, we performed local and whole body thermal comfort evaluations through coupled si mulation of a thermal comfort model considering body segmental characteristics of physiological responses. With the coupled simulation, the skin temperature d istribution and sensible heat loss of simulation results were used to calculate the Ra tio of whole-body thermal Comfort Sensation, (RCS ) (T Sakoi et al. 2005b), which was taken as the ev aluation criteria for whole body thermal comfort. It indicated that the t emperature distribution of human body regions was more uniform with floor heating th an air conditioning. In addition, the RCS of the floor heating system was 4% higher than tha t of the air conditioning system.