Observations on urinary excretion of codeine in illicit heroin addicts

The present findings support the recent suggestion that trazodone causes 5HT-like activities through the formation of mCPP (Maj et al 1979; Caccia et al 1981a). These results raise the possibility that mCPP may be formed in depressed patients treated with trazodone, contributing to its antidepressant activity. It may be relevant to mention that at doses higher than 1 mg kg1 mCPP increases noradrenaline metabolism in the rat brain (Invernizzi et al1981). an effect which may also contribute 'to the antidepressant activity. The present data further suggest that trazodone may inhibit some withdrawal syndrome signs in subjects from whom narcotics had been withdrawn. Trazodone HCI was kindly provided by Angelini (Rome, Italy).