The development of statistical understanding at the elementary school level
The massive increase in infonnation and data available in the 21st
century is putting increasing pressure on school curricula around the world to prepare
students to meet the demands of using the information and data for the good of society.
Finding the place in an already crowded curriculum for the technological and
statistical literacy skills is not easy. The needs are present across the curriculum but
thus far statistical thinking has usually been placed within the mathematics curriculum
under such headings as "data and chance" or "data handling. " Various suggestions
have been made concerning what content should be introduced at different year levels.
This paper does not make specific suggestions for students at different years of school
or ages because of differences acrOss countries but presents a developmental picture of
statistical understanding from early childhood across the elementary into the middle
school years. Knowing where a child currently is in the developmental sequences can
indicate what activities can assist movement to higher levels. of understanding. It is
hoped that greater appreciation of the potential for developing statistical understanding
will influence curriculum developers to find a place, integrated across the traditional
disciplines, to build the foundations required for critical statistical literacy in the adult