Combination of optimisation and simulation methods for management of coastal sea

Coastal sea management along with the most adequate coastal sea protection strategy, especially pollution control and swage system management, is very complex problem. Application of information technology as well as operational research and decision support methodologies plays a crucial role in managing sea pollution. Paper describes an optimisation model used to solve problems of coastal water pollution and support decision making at the operational level. A conjunction of optimisation and simulation models through the total response matrix derived from simulation models is used, thus rising the system efficiency. An idea of using controllable (decision) variables at certain points (treatment works) to achieve the desired values of state variables in sea (standards) is used. Total system (sea) response matrix derived from three dimension simulation model gives us information about influence of treatment work to the sea. This information, as coefficients, have been used in the optimisation model (dynamic programming) in order to find an optimal solution, or appropriate treatment level of treatment works which results in minimum cost of treatment work operation. Results of this model serve as “intelligent help” in decision process and make decisions more functional.