Annotated Catalogue of Portuguese Bryophytes
[1] C. Warnstorf. Bryologische Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Reise des Oberstabsarztes Dr. Matz in Magdeburg durch die iberische Halbinsel in der Zeit von Anfangs März bis Mitte Mai 1899 , 1899, Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift.
[2] J. Carrión,et al. A new point of view on the taxonomy ofPottia starckeana agg. (Musci, Pottiaceae) , 1996, Plant Systematics and Evolution.
[3] R. Ochyra,et al. Entodon concinnus (De Not,) Par. (Musci) – an addition to the moss flora of tropical Africa , 2004 .
[4] A. Pentecost,et al. Bryophytes from some travertine-depositing sites in France and the U.K.: relationships with climate and water chemistry , 2002 .
[5] R. Ros,et al. Vegetación briofítica terrícola y saxícola del Jbel Bouhalla (Cordillera del Rif, Marruecos) Terricolous and saxicolous bryophyte vegetation of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif Cordillera, Morocco) , 2002 .
[6] C. Zartman,et al. The Bryum bicolor Complex in North America , 2002 .
[7] R. Ros,et al. An overview of Syntrichia ruralis complex (Pottiaceae: Musci) in the Mediterranean region and neighbouring areas , 2002 .
[11] Palmira Carvalho,et al. Dados sobre a biodiversidade dos briófitos epifíticos no Litoral Alentejano. , 2002 .
[12] C. Sérgio. Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae VIII. , 2002 .
[13] C. Sérgio,et al. Fissidens jansenii (Fissidentaceae; Bryopsida), a New Aquatic Species from Portugal , 2001 .
[14] C. Sérgio,et al. On the identity of Desmatodon meridionalis Luisier , 2001 .
[15] C. Sérgio,et al. A brioflora de enclaves com Prunus lusitanica L. no Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela , 2001 .
[16] Belén Albertos Bofarull. Estudio Biogeográfico de los briófitos epífitos del noroccidente peninsular , 2001 .
[17] C. Sérgio,et al. Some new or remarkable Orthotrichum records from Portugal , 2001 .
[18] C. Sérgio,et al. On the taxonomic status and distribution of Funaria durieui , 2001 .
[19] M. Stech,et al. The taxonomic status of Thamnobryum maderense (Kindb.) Hedenas (Bryopsida) as inferred from molecular data , 2001 .
[20] W. Frey,et al. Systematics of the Hypopterygium tamarisci complex(Hypopterygiaceae, Bryopsida): implications of molecular and morphological data , 2000 .
[21] S. Jovet-Ast. Documents pour la connaissance des australiens (Hépatiques, Marchantiales) ouvelles récoltes. Taxons nouveaux. Commentaires morphologiques et écologiques. , 2000 .
[22] A. Cogoni,et al. Acaulon fontiquerianum Casas et Sérgio (Musci, Pottiaceae) new to Sardinia(Italy) , 2000 .
[23] Cecília Sérgio,et al. Cryptogamic epiphytes as indicators of air quality around an industrial complex in the Tagus valley, Portugal. Factor analysis and environmental variables , 2000 .
[24] E. Fuertes,et al. Revision and chorology of Rhizomnium Kop. (Cinclidiaceae, Musci) in the Iberian Peninsula , 2000 .
[25] A. Crespo,et al. Observations of heavy metal accumulation in the cell walls of Fontinalis antipyretica, in a Portuguese stream affected by mine effluent , 2000 .
[26] D. Long,et al. An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Europe and Macaronesia , 2000 .
[27] C. Sérgio,et al. On the presence of Brachythecium dieckii in Portugal and Morocco , 2000 .
[29] E. F. Lasala,et al. Distribución de Sphagnum L. Sect. Cuspidata (Lindb.) Schlieph (Sphagnaceae, Musci) en la Península Ibérica. , 2000 .
[30] J. Jansen,et al. Some notes on Vaccinium uliginosum L. subsp. gaultherioides (Bigelow) Young, a new species to the flora of Portugal. , 2000 .
[31] J. A. Jiménez. Thamnobryum maderense (Kindb.) Hedenas in Spain and northern Africa , 2000 .
[32] B. Albertos. Distribution and abundance of corticolous species of the genus Ulota (Orthotrichaceae, Musci) in the NW Iberian Peninsula , 2000 .
[33] W. Buck,et al. Bryophyte Biology: Morphology and classification of mosses , 2000 .
[34] M. Boisselier‐Dubayle,et al. Genetic Relationships between Haploid and Triploid Targionia (Targioniaceae, Hepaticae) , 1999, International Journal of Plant Sciences.
[35] C. Sérgio,et al. Andreaea megistospora and other interesting species from the Spanish bryoflora , 1999 .
[36] M. Sim-Sim. The genus Frullania Raddi (Hepaticae) in Portugal and Madeira , 1999 .
[37] R. Morais,et al. New sesquiterpene lactones from the Portuguese liverwort Targionia lorbeeriana , 1999 .
[38] Michele Aleffi,et al. Sardinia’s bryological flora: the state of knowledge and chorological considerations. , 1999 .
[39] E. F. Lasala,et al. Revisión y corología del género Mnium Hedw. (Mniaceae, Musci) from the Iberian Peninsula , 1999 .
[40] C. Sérgio,et al. Re-evaluation of Bryum minii Podp. (Bryaceae) and remarks about new discoveries in Portugal , 1999 .
[41] R. Grolle,et al. Review of the genus Harpalejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) including the description of H. grandis, a new species from the paramos of Colombia , 1999 .
[42] C. Sérgio,et al. Cryptothallus mirabilis Malmb. (Aneuraceae, Hepaticae) in Portugal. New ecological and phytogeographical data , 1999 .
[43] E. Fuertes,et al. Revisión y corología de Sphagnum russowii Warnst. (Sphagnaceae, Musci) en la Península Ibérica , 2010 .
[44] H. Bischler,et al. Allopolyploidy in the Thalloid Liverwort Corsinia (Marchantiales) , 1998 .
[45] C. Sérgio,et al. Bruchia vogesiaca Schwaegr. (Musci, Dicranales) in Portugal. New remarks on morphology, ecology, distribution and conservation , 1998 .
[46] M. Infante,et al. Aportaciones al conocimiento del género Lophozia en la península Ibérica , 1998 .
[47] Agustín Rubio Sánchez,et al. Revisión y corología de Leucodon sciuroides y la var. morensis (Bryophyta) en la Península Ibérica , 2009 .
[48] C. Sérgio,et al. Fissidens luisierii P.Varde(Fissidentaceae,Musci)a neglected species from Macaronesia , 1997 .
[49] Si He. A revision of Homalia (Musci: Neckeraceae) , 1997 .
[50] S. Perold. Studies in the liverwort genus Fossombronia (Metzgeriales) from southern Africa. 4. A re-examination of F. crispa , F. leucoxantha and F. tumida , 1997 .
[51] L. Hedenäs. A Partial Generic Revision of Campylium (Musci) , 1997 .
[52] J. D. Kruijer. The origin of Hypopterygium populations in some European botanic gardens, with special reference to Hypopterygium atrotheca Dix , 1997 .
[53] R. Garilleti,et al. Orthotrichum ibericum and O. macrocephalum new for Northern Africa , 1997 .
[54] J. Werner. Some remarkable bryophytes from Serra da Freita and Serra do Arestal (N Portugal) , 1997 .
[55] C. Sérgio,et al. The first report of Cryptothallus mirabilis Malmborg (Hepaticae, Aneuraceae) in Southern Europe (Portugal) , 1997 .
[56] H. Greven. Grimmia austro-funalis C. Müll., a species with a misleading name and a disjunct distribution , 1997 .
[57] H. H. Blom. A Revision of the Schistidium apocarpum complex in - Norway and Sweden , 1996 .
[58] C. Casas,et al. Hedwigia stellata Hedenäs a la península Ibèrica , 1996 .
[59] C. Sérgio,et al. Plantas criptogâmicas na atmosfera de Coimbra, Portugal = Cryptograms in the atmosphere at Coimbra, Portugal , 1996 .
[60] R. Ochyra,et al. Racomitrium hespericum, a New Species from the Iberian Peninsula , 1995 .
[61] R. Pursell,et al. Notes on Fissidens V , 1995 .
[62] R. M. Ros,et al. El género Pterygoneurum jur. (Pottiaceae, Musci) en la Península Ibérica , 1995 .
[63] C. Sérgio,et al. Dicranum crassifolium [Musci, Dicranaceae], a new species from southern Europe , 1995 .
[64] C. Sérgio,et al. A new Frullania species (Trachycolea) from Portugal and Macaronesia, Frullania azorica sp. nov. , 1995 .
[65] R. Ros,et al. Weissia papillosissima Laz. (Pottiaceae, Musci), a species new to the European bryophyte flora , 1995 .
[66] F. Lara. Nuevas localidades para Orthotrichum ibericum en España , 1994 .
[67] J. Jansen,et al. Novas espécies para a brioflora de Portugal e para a Serra da Estrela , 1994 .
[68] J. Jansen. Heide- und Zwerg-Wacholdervegetation in den höheren Stufen der Serra da Estrela (Portugal), unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Potentillo-Callunetum , 1994 .
[69] R. Garilleti,et al. New localities for Rhynchostegium alopecuroides (Brid.) A. J. E. Smith in the Iberian Peninsula , 1994 .
[70] R. Daniels,et al. Four boreal sphagna new for the Portuguese mountains and Sphagnum molle in the coastal plain , 1994 .
[71] G. Een. Grimmia britannica A. J. E. Smith, new to Portugal , 1994 .
[72] C. Townsend. Bryum pyriferum Crundw. & Whitehouse, new to continental Europe , 1994 .
[73] T. Arts. Rhizoidal tubers and protonemal gemmae in European Ditrichum species , 1994 .
[74] R. Ochyra,et al. New or otherwise interesting distributional data for species of Seligeria [Musci, Seligeriaceae] for Eurasia , 1994 .
[75] B. Thiers,et al. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. , 1993 .
[76] J. Muñoz,et al. Triquetrella arapilensis y Especies Afines: Su Morfología y Distribución Geográfica@@@Triquetrella arapilensis y Especies Afines: Su Morfologia y Distribucion Geografica , 1993 .
[77] J. Hébrard,et al. Acaulon fontiquerianum Casas et Sérgio (Musci, Pottiaceae) nouveau pour la bryoflore du Portugal, de France et de Corse , 1993 .
[78] F. Lara,et al. Orthotrichum ibericum sp. nov., a new moss from the Iberian Peninsula , 1993 .
[79] V. Mazimpaka,et al. Más sobre la presencia de Orthotrichum acuminatum en la Península Ibérica , 1992 .
[80] C. Sérgio,et al. Sphagnum auriculatum Schimp. in Portugal with late Quaternary occurrences , 1992 .
[81] J. Carrión,et al. The taxonomic status of Tortula muralis var. baetica (Musci, Pottiaceae): a comparative study , 1992 .
[82] F. Rumsey. The status of Tortula freibergii in the British Isles , 1992 .
[83] A. Smith. The taxonomic status of the British varieties of Grimmia trichophylla Grev. , 1992 .
[84] C. Sérgio,et al. Racomitrium lusitanicum [Musci, Grimmiaceae], a new species from Europe , 1992 .
[85] Kew Royal Botanic Gardens,et al. Authors of plant names : a list of authors of scientific names of plants, with recommended standard forms of their names, including abbreviations , 1992 .
[86] A. Ederra,et al. Brioflora del Rio Iregua (La Rioja, España) , 1992 .
[87] C. E. Powell,et al. Authors of plant names , 1992 .
[88] S. Perold. Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from southern Africa. 23. R. bullosa : typification and a full description , 1991 .
[89] M. Corley,et al. Additions and amendments to the mosses of Europe and the Azores , 1991 .
[90] R. M. Ros,et al. El genero Phascum (Pottiaceae) en la Península Ibérica , 1991 .
[91] A. C. Crundwell,et al. Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornsch. and allied plants in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East , 1991 .
[92] Jesús Muñoz. Revisión de "Racomitrium" sect. "Laevifolia" ("Musci, Grimmiaceae") en la Península Ibérica , 1991 .
[93] J. Burley,et al. Revision of the Genus Ceratodon (Bryophyta) , 1990 .
[94] M. Brugués,et al. Datos sobre el género Acaulon en la península ibérica , 1990 .
[95] R. Schumacker,et al. Gymnomitrion crenulatum Gott. in the Iberian peninsula. AN ecological and biogeographical study , 1990 .
[96] J. A. Paton. Marsupella profunda Lindb in Cornwall, new to the British Isles , 1990 .
[97] F. Rumsey,et al. A new locality for Tortula freibergii Dix. & Loeske and notes on its taxonomy and cytology , 1990 .
[98] R. Grolle. A technically new lectotypification of Harpalejeunea (Hepaticae) , 1989 .
[99] F. Puche. El género "Seligeria" B.S.G. (Musci) en la Península Ibérica , 1989 .
[100] C. Sérgio,et al. Riccia incrassata Brotero, a neglected name of Oxymitra paleacea Bisch. ex Lindenb , 1989 .
[101] J. Montes,et al. Taxonomía numérica en "Targionia" L. ("Hepaticae") , 1989 .
[102] Cecília Sérgio. Perspectiva briogeográfica da flora briológica ibérica , 1989 .
[103] C. C. Sicart,et al. "Schizymenium pontevedrensis", una nueva combinación para una especie endémica del género "Mielichhoferia" en la Península Ibérica , 1989 .
[104] S. Perold,et al. Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from southern Africa. 9. R. nigrella and the status of R. capensis , 1988 .
[105] C. Sérgio,et al. Racomitrium lamprocarpum (C. Muell.) Jaeg., an austral moss disjunct in Portugal, witht taxonomic and phytogeographic notes , 1988 .
[106] M. J. Elias-Rivas. Comentarios sobre algunos taxones interesantes de la brioflora ibérico , 1988 .
[107] A. Frisvoll. A taxonomic revision of the Racomitrium heterostichum group (Bryophyta, Grimmiales) in N. and C. America, N. Africa, Europe and Asia , 1988 .
[108] C. Sérgio. Morphological, karyological and phytogeographic observations on Entosthodon curvisetus (Schwager.)C. Müll. as a basis for a new genus, Funariella Sérgio (Funariaceae: Musci) , 1988 .
[109] I. Bisang,et al. Clé d'identification des espèces du genre Frullania Raddi (Hepaticae) en Europe et en Macaronésie , 1988 .
[110] B. Murray. The genus Andreaea in Britain and Ireland , 1988 .
[111] R. M. Ros,et al. Revision de la seccion Asteriscium del genero Didymodon (Pottiaceae, Musci) (=Trichostomopis) en la Peninsula iberica , 1987 .
[112] J. J. Pérez,et al. El género Exormotheca Mitt (Hepaticophytina) en la Península Ibérica , 1987 .
[113] M. J. E. Rivas. Aportaciones al conocimiento de la brioflora centro occidental española , 1987 .
[114] I. Bisang,et al. Harpalejeunea ovata spruce schiffn. plagiochila exigua tayl. tayl. and frullania jackii gott at madonna del sasso tessin switzerland and their european distribution , 1986 .
[115] J. Montes,et al. Sobre la distribución de Riella Helicophylla (Bory et Mont.) Mont en la Península Ibérica , 1986 .
[116] J. Montes,et al. Flora y vegetación briofítica del sector noroccidental de la Sierra del Calar del Mundo (SW de Albacete, España) , 1986 .
[117] A. Rushing. A revision of the genus Bruchia Schwaegr(Musci) , 1986 .
[118] T. Arts,et al. Epipterygium tozeri in Europe, its distribution and vegetative propagation , 1986 .
[119] D. Vitt,et al. Compendium of Bryology: A World Listing of Herbaria, Collectors, Bryologists and Current Research , 1985 .
[120] M. Hill,et al. Leptobarbula berica (De Not.) Schimp. in Britain , 1985 .
[121] C. Sérgio,et al. Dialytrichia mucronata (Brid.) Broth. au Portugal et à Madère, taxonomie, écologie, adaptation à la sécheresse , 1984 .
[123] E. F. Lasala. El género "Crossidium" Jur. en la Península Ibérica; Islas Baleares, Canarias y Madeira , 1983 .
[124] A. Frisvoll. A taxonomic revision of the Racomitrium canescens group (Bryophyta, Grimmiales) , 1983 .
[125] C. Sérgio. Contribução para o conhecimento do genero "Ephemerum" hampe na Península Ibérica , 1982 .
[126] M. Hill,et al. Tortula solmsii (Schimp.) Lirnpr. in Devon and Cornwall, newly recorded in the British Isles , 1982 .
[127] R. Grolle,et al. Zur Synonymik und Verbreitung von Plagiochila spinulosa (Dicks.) Dum. und P. killarniensis Pears. , 1982 .
[128] J. Gil,et al. Aportación al conocimiento de las clases Pogonato-Dicranelletea heteromallae Hubschmann 1975 y Ceratodo-Polytrichetea piliferi Hubschmann1967 en el Sur de España y Portugal , 1981 .
[129] M. Hill. New combinations in European mosses I. Pottiaceae , 1981 .
[130] A. C. Crundwell. New combinations in European mosses II. Gymnostomum and Amblystegium , 1981 .
[131] M. F. V. Corley,et al. Mosses of Europe and the Azores; an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature , 1981 .
[132] B. Bremer. A taxonomic revision of Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta) 3. , 1980 .
[133] H. Sipman,et al. Taxonomy and World Distribution of Campylopus introflexus and C. pilifer (= C. polytrichoides): a New Synthesis , 1978 .
[134] A. C. Crundwell,et al. Trichostomopsis umbrosa (C. Müll.) Robins. in England , 1978 .
[135] M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga. Notes on Fissidens. I and II , 1978 .
[136] S. Jovet-Ast,et al. Essai sur le peuplement hepaticologique de la region Mediterraneenne (Geography and Ecology of Bryophytes ) , 1976 .
[137] C. Warnstorf. Sphagnales-Sphagnaceae : Sphagnologia universalis , 1976 .
[138] R. Grolle. Verzeichnis der Lebermoose Europas und benachbarter Gebiete , 1976 .
[139] M. Delgadillo. Taxonomic Revision of Aloina, Aloinella and Crossidium (Musci) , 1975 .
[140] R. Brassard. POLLETT, F. C. & W. J. MEADES. 1970. Checklist of vascular and non-vascular specimens in the Canadian Forestry Herbarium, Newfoundland. Forest Res. Lab., St. John's, Nfld. Information Rept. N-X-55: 1-68. SCHULTZE-MOTEL, W. 1970. Monographie der Laubmoosgattung Andreaea. I. Die costaten , 1975 .
[141] S. Hattori. Frullania tamarisci-complex and the species concept , 1972 .
[142] M. Bizot. Contribution à la flore bryologique de Cuba , 1965 .
[143] H. Whitehouse. The Occurrence of Tortula stanfordensis, Steere in Cornwall, new to Europe , 1961 .
[144] J. Podpěra. Conspectus muscorum europaeorum , 1956 .
[145] Seville Flowers. Monograph of the Genus Anacolia , 1952 .
[146] J. Proskauer. STUDIES ON ANTHOCEROTALES. II1 , 1951 .
[147] P. Allorge,et al. Essai de bryogéographie de la Péninsule Ibérique , 1947 .
[148] M. Douin,et al. La famille des Céphaloziellacées , 1916 .
[149] J. Lindenberg. Monographie der Riccieen , 1836 .