New numerical scheme in finite element method for the effective evaluation of the vegetation effects on slope stability modeling

New numerical scheme in finite element method (FEM) is used to simulate both the progressive nature of failure and interaction of the soil-root matrix continuum. Computations suggest that a certain range of Root area ratio (effective RAR-range, i.e. ERAR-range) should be identified for the given slope geometry, vegetation type and maturity period. The ERAR-range represents all the RARs which impart a factor of safety (FOS) greater or equal to a particular FOS (benchmark FOS, i.e. BMFOS), BMFOS being the anticipated FOS depending on various factors (demographic distribution, proximity to utilities etc.). Beyond the ERAR-range vegetation does not impart to the stability of the slope. Theoretically, higher range of RAR beyond the ERAR-range (ineffective RAR-range, i.e. IERAR-range) even causes the slope failure. Hence, the simulation can be useful tool for the effective evaluation of vegetation effect on slope stability modeling.