Quality control of product/process using nondestructive control and possibilities of robotic investigation
In this paper, the possibilities to improve the quality of products/processes using modern methods and equipment for non-destructive control are presented. The quality control is represented by the operation techniques and activities used to fulfil the conditions concerning the quality, it is a way to verify the realization of quality and to establish necessary actions to correct the non-conformities. The defectoscopy represents an assembly of methods to examine materials, prices and joins to discover their defects by non-destructive control methods. The essential requirements of non-destructive control, in connection with the imperatives of total quality's concept determinate in a short period of time a high attainment of systems' quality. In the second part of the paper, the possibility to achieve non-destructive control with the aid of robotic system, the appropriate cases in which the robots are useful, the type of robot together with constructive details are presented. The two main directions where the robotics is useful are non-destructive control in technological flux and the control in hostile or unapproachable environment for human operator. In the first case are used with proper software, and in the second, remote control robots. Finally, the advantage offered by the robot utilization for non- destructive control in special situations is emphasized.