Integrating self-paced mobile learning into language instruction: impact on reading comprehension and learner satisfaction

ABSTRACT The study integrated self-paced mobile learning (m-learning) into a language course, and examined what impacts were being produced on learners’ reading comprehension and student satisfaction resulting from the instruction with m-learning integration. The self-paced, learner-centered mobile learning integration instruction (MLI) was compared with group-oriented, teacher-centered instruction without m-learning integration. Six classes of students from three different departments participated in the study. One class from each department received MLI, while the other class from each department was involved in traditional learning instruction (TLI). Evaluation of the instruction was based upon data from the post-treatment reading test and one questionnaire related to learner satisfaction. The results revealed that the learners exposing to the MLI scored higher in the test than those with TLI, and they showed great satisfaction with the instruction integrating m-learning. Particularly, the students from the Department of Information Management receiving instruction supported by mobile technologies performed best in the reading test and gained the highest score on the satisfaction questionnaire.


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