Co-occurrence of Deficits in Beat Perception and Synchronization Supports Implication of Motor System in Beat Perception

The main goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that disorders in entrainment to the beat of music originate from motor deficits. To this aim, we adapted the Beat Alignment Test and tested a large pool of control subjects, as well as nine individuals who had previously showed deficits in synchronization to the beat of music. The tasks consisted of tapping (Experiment 1) and bouncing (Experiment 2) in synchrony with the beat of non-classical music that varied in genre, tempo, and groove, and then judging whether a superimposed metronome was perceived as on or off the beat of the same selection of music. Results indicate concomitant deficits in both beat synchronization and the detection of misalignment with the beat, supporting the hypothesis that the motor system is implicated in beat perception.

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