Big data and hadoop — A technological survey

Generally, when we here a term “BIG DATA” many assumption and queries generate in our mind like when did this term Big Data came into the picture? What is it? Why we need it? How is it beneficial? There are many events which can be taken into consideration starting it from the ancient world to the modern world, data was always stored. Nowadays the enormous amount of data is been produced via many organizations e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. so thru Big Data huge amount of data with a varied variety can be stored, managed and processed. Big Data make sure that the accuracy and knowledge from the data are generated rapidly and provides benefit and convenience to the organizations, researchers, and consumers by accounting the properties of Volume, Value, Variety, Veracity, and Velocity. This study comprises of the introduction in which the Big Data is entailed in addition to this is its features and classification. Then this study talks about the hadoop and its architecture plus the components used in hadoop like HDFS, Map Reduce, Pig, Hive, Hbase, and Sqoop. In the conclusion part — a global valuation is tailedup.