Cytomegalovirus (CMV) polyradiculitis is a potentially treatable disorder in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 11-41, Response to therapy is variable, but it appears clear that patients treated earlier in their course are more likely to have a favorable response to antiviral therapy 12-41. Although the clinical presentation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) formula may suggest the correct diagnosis. most authors have depended on the identification of CMV in culture of CSF, a process that may take several weeks. In a patient with a clinical syndrome suggestive of CMV polyradiculitis, a specific diagnosis was made on a cytopatho-logical examination of a single CSF specimen, allowing for antiviral therapy to be given early in this patient’s course. A 46-year-old human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- positive
D. Troost,et al.
Therapy for cytomegalovirus polyradieulomyelitis in patients with AIDS: treatment with ganciclovir
Robert G. Miller,et al.
Ganciclovir in the treatment of progressive AIDS‐related polyradiculopathy
R. Miller,et al.
Ganciclovir for lumbosacral polyradiculopathy in AIDS
The Lancet.
J. McCutchan,et al.
Cytomegalovirus polyradiculoneuropathy in acquired immune deficiency syndrome
N. Buchan.
Letter: Breast examination in obese patients.