Synchronization by uncorrelated noise: interacting rhythms in interconnected oscillator networks

Oscillators coupled in a network can synchronize with each other to yield a coherent population rhythm. How do multiple such rhythms interact with each other? Do these collective oscillations synchronize like individual oscillators? We show that this is not the case: for strong, inhibitory coupling rhythms can become synchronized by noise. In contrast to stochastic synchronization, this new mechanism synchronizes the rhythms even if the noisy inputs to different oscillators are completely uncorrelated. Key for the synchrony across networks is the reduced synchrony within the networks: it substantially increases the frequency range across which the networks can be entrained by other networks or by periodic pacemaker-like inputs. We demonstrate this type of robust synchronization for different classes of oscillators and network connectivities. The synchronization of different population rhythms is expected to be relevant for brain rhythms.

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