The Dependence on Graphemes and on Their Translation to Phonemes in Reading: A Developmental Perspective. Technical Report No. 208.

THIS STUDY COMPARED CHILDREN and adult readers in the degree to which they are able to avoid grapheme-to-phoneme translation; in how much they benefit from redundant phonemic information; and in the degree to which they are disturbed by minor changes in graphemes which are still phonemically appropriate. Hebrew readers begin reading instruction with words in which vocalic information is transmitted by vowel signs written below and above the letters; later on, they learn to read the same words without the vowel signs. Also, a change of vowel signs in Hebrew may or may not involve a change of phonemic value of the words. These facts were exploited experimentally in this study (following Navon & Shimron, 1981). Subjects were asked to name Hebrew words by their letters only. The words were sometimes vowelized correctly, and at other times, they were either unvowelized or misvowelized in a way which either preserved or did not preserve phonemic values. It was found that both children and adults were unable to resist grapheme-tophoneme translation, that both children and adults benefitted from redundant information in their normal reading, and that children but not adults were sensitive to minor changes in graphemes which still preserved phonemic values.

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