Ambient agoras: InfoRiver, SIAM, Hello.Wall

This demonstration reports results from the EU-funded project Ambient Agoras, investigating future applications of ubiquitous and ambient computing in workspaces. Instead of presenting underlying system technologies or evaluation findings, this demonstration will focus on three running prototypes that emerged from the project: InfoRiver, SIAM, and Hello.Wall. The systems are meant to support work-related processes in office buildings while at the same time fostering informal communication. The InfoRiver implements the information river metaphor for information flow through a building or an organization. SIAM is a task-management system enriched with collaboration support to foster group communication and awareness. Hello.Wall is a new ambient display that can "borrow" mobile artefacts. All prototypes are multi-user and multi-device systems enabling coherent and engaging interaction experiences with a variety of sensor-enhanced smart artefacts.